I’ve been in love with you for months From the moment I met you My heart stopped But you were in love with someone else And our paths didn’t cross For months And I’d forgotten about you
But one drunken night I ended up in your room And you kicked off your shoes And asked me to lay down On your pastel floral couch So with my cheek on your chest We talked and we talked For what felt like hours Then slowly You slipped your hand Just Under the bottom of my shirt I looked up at you And In the smoothest way possible You said “What up?” And started kissing me
And my fingers tangled into your hair And your fingers spread wide Over my *** And pulled me closer to you And we couldn’t get enough In that moment You were everything Everything I’d ever wanted And needed And I couldn’t let you go You were my breath What kept me alive
At least for that moment
Saturday was a snow globe. One perfect moment I want to hold on to forever. Please don't smash it.