I must have been blind, or else very unfortunate to have missed what I know now to have lived my life until this point in the shadow of a cloud that is life without the knowledge of your smile, our your laugh, or your touch
But then you came, not like a flash of lightning, surprising me with its intensity and force but like a gentle sunrise rising steadily over everything I know and bathing the world in a light and beauty I felt I had always known, but never been awake to see
and when I finally did awake to the warmth and glow of your presence my eyes were dazed for I knew no beauty before you.
I must have been a child, or else extremely frail to have been idle all this time, to have been contented until now without digging the foundation and hammering the nails and tying the knots on the beams that hold together a man, and his faith, and his family
But then you came and you did not come like the warning of a harsh winter making men dig hasty footing in hopes of surviving only the worst of times. You came like the promise of a beautiful spring waking me from my slumber to plant and sow and nourish the ground of our love and home to last through all the trials of time, and all of the seasons of our life
And when I had seen what we had built together with only faith, hope, and love I was amazed for I knew no strength before you
And now here I am swimming in the light of your beauty and surging with the strength of your heart and where else can I go, what else shall I do but spend my life in this place for I knew no Love before you.