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Oct 2014
Once again she stuffed her face,
She did it so that the pain didn't come up to the surface.
She ate and ate until she couldn't anymore,
She's empty and needs to fill the void.
She looks thin,
But her appetite is nothing like her appearance.
She sees herself as that fat little girl that got bullied all the time,
She doesn't see the pounds she's lost or the inches she lost.
No one in real life wants her,
Only online is where people want her.
Many just want to have *** with her and toss her,
She believes their "love" and falls for their tricks.
She gifts them with her pure heart,
They just use it and tear it apart.
She's ****** up,
She's trying to change but she's fed up.
She sees the same **** around,
There's no escaping.
No changing.
Her past follows her,
She only has sorrow surrounding her.
So she eats and eats,
But she wants to quit.
She needs an angel to erase the sorrow and help her live.
Written by
Rhona  21/F/Los Angeles
(21/F/Los Angeles)   
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