Sat across a lot of wise spectacles Sympathetic coffees Blank invites Dispassionate loves
You need medication - that's what I was told
I popped a number of pills
Over months, White, long Yellow, small A number of nights Crazy eyes, Erratic behaviour Strange moodswings
You need a change of scenery - That's what I was told
Miles and miles of sand A sea extending into the sky My heart became the feather That landed on waves And sank Far below The understanding of humanity
Went to the hills Stream flowing by Which iced over at night Bare apple orchards Green and stone Woke up at 4 AM From where I stood, I couldn't see the sunrise
My spirits Shattered and fell Along with some rocks Off the cliff's sheer face As I ended up On my hands and knees
You need to meditate - that's what I was told
Pure silence at 4 AM
That's what I woke up to And I sat for an hour everyday Trying to focus on The "om" I was told about With the last echo I was left bereft of purpose Vision and energy I couldn't move on With the day