There's sounds around me but they're almost muffled, distant... My brain is louder. Thoughts bounce around All too quickly Like a ping pong ball in an old arcade game Up. Down. Back and forth To every side Hard to keep track Of which way the ball Is going to go next Swirling around all the knobs and fancy buttons Faster, and faster, Till I can't keep my eye on the ball anymore, Or gather which thought is which, And suddenly, the ball falls All too quickly Through the little space at the base of your game The base, of my brain? And I lost my thoughts, the ball is gone What was I even thinking..? But the game starts up again Right away Before I have time To slow down my brain Or shut down the game A new ball With new thoughts, Ideas My fears, And desires Too much paranoia And fabricated scenarios And some other ******* that makes no sense Cause the ball is bouncing again In every direction Pinging, and dinging, With all the flashing lights And funny little sounds That no one else can hear Cause the game is in my head.