streetlights pale glow cuts through the somber dawn. muted street sounds keeps our path tranquil.
damp shoes provide no warmth to our feet, but somehow that just doesn’t matter.
a quiet shadow beckons, I pull you into it’s depths. wiping raindrops from your lips no-one is witness to an impassioned kiss.
soaked clothing provides a cold barrier, yet our romantic fervour is heat enough.
a light drizzle falls, but we are oblivious.
cloudy days provide their own rainbow, it only takes a kiss in the rain to see it.
Day 19! I am finding it hard to believe that I have managed to 'stay alive' through the first 18 days of #OctPoWriMo. It is a real challenge to write a poem everyday, never mind to write something that others might enjoy. I am very overwhelmed with the positive feedback I have received, and for that I thank you all.
Today's prompt is rain, and we were given a list of words we should try incorporate into our work. Those words are melancholy, drizzle, damp, rainbow, cloudy, grass and somber. I actually wrote 3 poems for this, and wasn't really satisfied until the 12th edit of the 3rd poem. And so, I share with you today's poem, and sincerely hope that you all get to experience a Kiss in the Rain.