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Oct 2014
A motherly instinct is awakening,
Within my heart of toil.
I see her crying.
Curled up under the sheets soiled.

I gather her in my arms,
As she cries herself to sleep.
I wish I could save her,
From this broken family.

They don't care about her,
They leave her to starve.
She has medication,
For all the problems in the world.

I will save her,
Hopefully my mate will accept.
I want her to have a home,
Where she is safe.
And Content.
This poem is for my little friend who is a little younger than me. She needs prayers and to get out of where she is currently..
Dark Jewel
Written by
Dark Jewel  20/F/Greenville, SC
(20/F/Greenville, SC)   
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