There you go again with that **** hand held device, your eyes are but only hyptonic spin thingys
Your fingers are tools by rote You foam at the mouth while your thumbs and fingers skate across glass squeeking slightly as you CrAcK your gum sounding like a miniature WAR I SHOUT FIRE at you!! And still the squeeking of the fingers with joining of CrAkIDY CrACK I even jump up and down with still tipped boots and still CrAcKiDY, CrAcKiDy, CrAkIDY, CRACK!!! SqUeEkIdY, SqUeEkIdY,SqUeEkIdY, SQUEEK, SQUEEK!!! I grab you by the collar and TOSS YOU OUT OF THE BUS, in my daydream, as I smile inwardly with a child's giddy laughter CRACK, CRACK, CRACK, CRACK AND SLIDE, SLIDE, SLIDE, SLIDE, SLIDE AND SLIDE!!!!! He, He, He, He, that's all folkes