I shove you across the room, my legs fail me... my "*******" inner me fails me. I crash to the ground, the last of me, this is it. The tipping point... I cant do this any more, I can be what you want me to be. I kept chipping bits and pieces of my soul so that I could be good enough for you. I did it so that you would not be ashamed of me, afraid to hold me like you did her.
I am a woman trapped in a little girls body, I still believe in unicorns dipped in magic and all I see is rainbows , I believe that someday you will love me. When they say love is blind they were wrong, at least the blind develop a sixth sense, they know when its not real... Well I lost all my sense, for you i pushed boundaries , for you I defied all the laws, I defied me for you, because what?? I LOVE YOU???
Love failed me, they soldΒ Β me dreams of happy endings and what not. Love is not fun is hell, it doesn't make me content it makes me miserable and vengeful... Loving you failed me... I failed myself by accepting the love that I thought I deserved............... Love don't Love me no more..