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Oct 2014
The thing about pain
Is that it'll lie right to your face.
It'll tell you, while looking straight into your eyes,
"It's okay, I won't hurt you again."
As it holds the knife behind it's back.
Pain will tell you that it'll leave soon,
It's only a temporary stay.
But it will have already moved in all it's things
And made a home for itself in you.
No matter how far you travel
And how long you're gone for,
You'll always meet pain again.
Pain will pretend to not know you
But it'll slowly start to go back to it's old habits.
The problem with pain is that some of us don't realize that,
Pain may become nothing but a dull ache,
It might even be forgotten for a little while,
But it's always there, ready to remind you of itself.
No matter how badly we want it to,
Pain just never goes away.
Written on September 21, 2014
Andrea Doumit
Written by
Andrea Doumit
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