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Sep 2014
Son, shine.
On rainy days, and grey days
On Mondays, and on Tuesdays
On is it ever gonna end, and if so when days
Because even redwoods can't grow without rain
Even the best of us can't grow without pain
Can't go without dreams or fly without wings
They say we have our heads in the clouds
But so do the trees
We stay grounded, rooted in magic, tangled in mysteries
Branching out our realities
So Son, shine that radiant smile on the saplings, and dandelions
That are growing in your shadow
Because not only trees have leaves
Summer is warm but too often deceives
Sometimes it storms without a single cloud
Be brave my young son
Shine on everyone who dares, hopes,  believes
In anything or everything
Son, shine and dare to dream out loud
Just playing around. Haven't written anything in soo long. This is a work in progress.
Andrèa White
Written by
Andrèa White  Michigan
   Ayman Zain
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