Sitting on this roof, seeing the colored lights in neighboring windows finding frosted panes in abstract happiness, as winter’s wind howls about my face
Speakers blare in cramping holiday tones, (What’s so wonderful about it ~ this time of year?) Shingles damp and slippery, still I hold on for dear life
Fingers numb but clinging, for without my seated sadness on this peak above chimney ash watching streams finding the edge
how else would those muddied tear drop icicles form?
Then I hear it on shivering vibrations A voice from ~ out there ~ somewhere A shadow beneath a flickering street light Footprints in circles about the square
Moving in my direction My silhouette on white clouds shimmies A little to the side, for a better view Wings ~ it has ~ she has wings
I blink a frozen eyelash ~ she is sitting next to me A warm, feathery quilted wing about my shoulders Chilled cheeks burn as I smile and my heart melts as she whispers to me ~