Light train chugging, working to outrun Over exerting, pulling along your freight Sand is running out under the diminishing sun Fastidiously you tug on your enormous weight
Segmented equal in seven hulking proportions Weaving between sleeping rocky giants Assertion in your drive gifted from the high heavens Borne of light your cargo load of tenants
Silver blurred rays glinting back as reply As you power your way through Defying seconds, before the last rays should die Against odds, delivering what is due
Questing to alleviate my inflicted darkness Spear of brilliance slicing through my mind Illuminating the farthest and tiniest of crevices Nook and crannies that willed me blind
Careful manoeuvring to keep your balance Through scenic views fraught with treachery Furiously working to keep your cadence Hopeful of unloading the load you carry
What lies dormant in that cargo of yours? What sleeps easy within those boxcars? What stokes the fire to diligently run your course? What promises you bear, travelling near and far?
Bales of hope and crates of strength Supplies of kindness and self-worth Reside within your immense length Intact and lay quiet within your formidable girth
Reliant on the light that fuels and feeds Your axles seem tireless guiding forth those wheels Thundering over land with the power of a thousand steeds Armed to your teeth with alloys and steels
Expelling grit and dirt as you pummelled across Grey-white fumes, shoot up to the sky Flag flogged by wind, billow and toss Blaring your whistle as you race on by
Propelling forward, horizon up ahead There it all its tenebrous glory Darkened locomotive seething mad with dread Brace for the clash and the loads the two carry