Mama, I do not want to eat and I don't want you to know it.
I am glad you do so well without me but too bad, fears aren't what stay like rocks. They breathe like fire and grow like children. I lost them once and they never come back, o my poor lost children I still love them!
Mama, I just took a proper shower. I know I should not be so proud, but the water was black and so cold and the soap and shampoo were mocking my filthy skin. I was strong. I am strong. I am glad you do so well without me.
I was Mother Mary once, you did not know it. You have lots of grandchildren but I lost all of them so I cannot show you how they have grown like haunted trees and abandoned churches. You taught me motherly love, Mama, not how to prove it.
I became a garden but the minerals kept falling from the pores and eyes. I could not be good soil. The hibiscus and jasmine and frangipani I wanted to grow are now as dead and confused as my chest.
My head is one native tomb. How could I not find a name?