i love you as much as the sky likes to be blue with the different shades and subtle hues it reminds me a lot of you
i love you as much as water likes to be wet when it falls, when it splashes your love is not something I can forget
i love you as much as the sun likes to shine blinding is not the word nor the phase just in caseΒ it reminds me of you face
i love you as much as a seed like to sprout with little legs and little arms we try and be the biggest we can and are
i love you as much as our bare feet like to be ***** we walk around it, towards it and away from not afraid of tomorrow before yesterday comes
i love you as much as bees like their honey sweet, and smooth, warm and sticky you seem to breath when you're with me
i love you as much as trees wish to be tall we change and we grow, and it shows the world is a wonderful place to go
i love you as much as the leaves like to fall though it may seem scary to jump before you look just think of the breeze blowing though the pages of your book
i love you as much as the seasons like to change we find ourselves in a different places tasting different tastes don't run out of time before we get erased
i love you as much as children like to play on a swing, in a tree, in space where ever it may be learn to live within the adolescent dreamΒ
i love you.
Each beginning line was a text that my best friend and I to sent each other over the course of the day. In order, except for one line. I finished of the rest the next day. She really liked it. I love her so much.