What I've learned from my parents My parents have taught many things, And this has given me insight So now I know what to do from the mistakes they've made: Accept your kid, whatever ****** orientation they may be Don't act like you know everything, For all you know your child may be right Once you make your point, shut up Don't keep repeating the same thing Let your kid express them selves, If they like Bob Marley then let them own Bob Marley apparel Don't pressure sports and grades to wear they get stress migraines Don't scream at your child to where they cower in fear when your angry Let your child know they can always come and talk to you All of these things I've learned because my parents are the opposite, and have made mistakes that I now see These mistakes can scar your child
However thy are still amazing parents and I love them to death, I just wish they'd do some of these things.