You say you're proud you're clean today Yet you go back to your old ways I look at you and see it's a reflection Of my selfish days and I realize it's me who's changed There's two of us inside my head Fighting for the chance to live A wolf inside of my own brain No wonder it's so difficult This war within my mind I wage No wonder I can't even think Straight when the two halves of my heart Decide to break apart and All I'm left with is the broken parts Lying on the asphalt Freeway crashes in my head Locomotives in my brain Is it my thoughts or is it a migraine It's all the same I'm on a train Going no specific place Failing Derailing I desperately want it to be a dream Maybe if I stop thinking It will all just go away Drown my thoughts with mindless Music so I lose track of the pain Understand My motives aren't insane They're just a little out of place I look at my reflection I can't even recognize the face Time to make amends Attempt to fix the broken things Shattered pieces vaguely Remind me of all the times my wings Failed me I need somebody to save We can get a little crazed When we don't know when to stop And I will crack open Pandora's box And let the contents out Right about the hour that I find the clock has lost it's power Sour consciousness distracts me from the task that is at hand Focus on the destination And enjoy the journey It will never go as planned But we can plan to make it worth it