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Aug 2014
I am the one they call beautiful,
Glittering in shimmery gold,
But listen to my heart break
As I let myself unfold.
I let the tears cascade
As I left my walled protection,
No where left to run from you,
Yet still unclear where I should go.
I am in a maze
Where the only obstacle is you,
Running around in endless circles,
With nothing left to do.
My head is pounding
As from a dreamless night
I wake again exhausted.
I can't bring myself to look at the phone
For fear of pain or pleasure--
Yet I do it anyway.
I dare not speak your name--
The reminder for broken friendship.

If only...

*But I am too vulnerable to dream.
Inanition: emptiness; starvation; exhaustion.
Aeya Jean Johnson
Written by
Aeya Jean Johnson  Sipping Cocoa in the Rain
(Sipping Cocoa in the Rain)   
     ---, wordvango and Aeya Jean Johnson
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