the motionless air hung heavy with late summer heat at a distance a woman's voice in song the rich sound reaching for your heart with feelings of life lived joyous and bold
i walk the sunsoaked road to the farm field to find her where the dusty faces of the pickers greet with smiles their great baskets filled with the newly picked crop its thick scent filling the air with intoxicating fresh natural beauty **** and tangy ripe to the souls tastebuds they gather round the water spigot laughing and speaking a family of strangers come to harvest the land
they invite me to join them for the midday meal so i sit in the shade of a truck sipping the cool clear waters eating the thick rich bread and cheese such people of the earth their hands worn with its labor their hearts alive with its loves such kind souls of the land sharing their moment with me
the meal done the baskets for the picking ready once more they wander back to the field and she begins to sing once again as the sweet summer sun lulls me to slumber her voice a beautiful tapestry woven with her love of her people and her life a rich tender sound she carried me into sweet deep dreams of the kindness of people who harvest with their hands and hearts the bounty's of the earth