A promise from the court of the King where his diamond ring is made from glass and time is defined by the people who pass out the napkins for tea. Was It me and the King or the King and I who watched from the dock as the ships sailed by? I no longer recall but one of us cried at the loss of it all and a statue broke down in the great hall,where dinner was served on platters of zinc.
The promise is made unreal,but sealed by the great seal and so set in stone, the jester just laughed and threw bones to tell fortune and Da Vinci cried wolf as he mocked up a cartoon but the smile on her face was more than the fortune the jester foretold, and we put it all on hold, held fast the wheel, unreal but again it was sealed by the great seal and thus set in stone.
Sometimes you win and at others the play goes against you, this, the King knew as he tore the shirt off my back to sell for a stake in taking yet one more crack at the jackpot, crackpot or not,ring made of glass,these things will pass and the river flows on until even the King and I are gone.