The First-Born Blues Sara L Russell 22nd August 2014 20:59 revised 27th Aug 2014, 13:58
So I bite down on bitter words and I eat my humble pie for those who will not understand me Until the day I die. self-pity's for the birds, where the golden egos fly; if you will not understand me should I bother to ask why?
So you know I'm always me and I never will be her and you know she's gone forever things can't be the way they were I survived, unworthily though you think I should concur that death struck out unfairly - should have taken me, not her.
So I wear my comfort cross and I carry my cross of woe - each a spiritual placebo from the God I used to know; and an eerie sense of loss follows everywhere I go for this poor downtrodden ego that you always overthrow.