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Aug 2014
Everyday, I wait for you.
It's all I ever do.
I wait for you to be home from school.
I sit around and stay cool.

I wait for you to be home from a guys' night out.
I make sure you're home safe so I can sleep without a doubt.
I wait for you when you feel like calling..
I wait for you, you know I do.

You did not force me to wait.
I guess, Im just the one who doesn't hesitate.
Maybe I just wanted to wait for you,
Or you give me reason to.

Im not complaining to you.
I just want you to appreciate what I do.
But there are really times when I think it's enough.
These were the times I think it's rough.

You keep me waiting for you.
Maybe you don't care coz you know waiting is what I always do.
But sometimes, you keep me waiting not knowing what to expect.
I think it's just painful and I feel that somehow there's no respect.

It's hard when you wait for something.
How much more if you just wait there not knowing what's gonna be happening?
When the person you're waiting for doesn’t say a word.
You think you're being absurd.

I just grew tired of doing so.
Especially when you found out you waited for nothing though.
I guess it breaks your heart.
I bet it tears you apart.
Written by
sweetsillybrat  cebu city
(cebu city)   
   Trinity G
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