You don't know me. Your life is a fight to breathe,Β Β to move, to live. But not to love. You love as much as I do, as anyone. Only your ills are here for all to see.
you came here wanting for air and in pain. My hands are no comfort to you searching for a vein. in order to help I need to know you better and more intimately than your lover or your muse. I know your blood, your DNA, your molecules.
I can see the mistakes Nature has made. They can be set right and you can be free, your life slowly to return.
I know all that about you Yet - you are a stranger to me. Your pulse is on my screen weaving a long line But - your heart is not mine. You love HER from afar, glowing in her smile, knowing beauty once more, writing poems for us all! I know all that about the shell of your body.