As a boy I was lost and afraid Ashamed and scared Every bad thing that every happened Was god Every urge was a sin Demons possessed people And the Devil lurked in the shadows As a boy I believed I wore a necklace with a cross For protection As I aged I gained more knowledge. I wasn't so afraid anymore I had doubt, although doubt itself Was sin But I didn't care I was tired of praying.. Atheism.. my savior Science the prophet. I was tired of seeing so much hate And hearing "god loves everyone" I no longer feared eternal punishment For living how I wanted, Doing what I felt Mistakes no longer condemned me.. They helped me learn And that is all. I wasn't afraid to live anymore Atheism empowered me.. It humbled me. I am but a speck of space dust And that is grand in all means Amazing and uplifting The wonder The unknown If there is a god somewhere out there.. Thank him for atheism. I'm no longer a boy.. But the cross necklace I still wear.. Not as a sign of absolute But as the torture device That is religion. My reminder Of the prison where I once dwelled...