Miss my misery is this: Six weeks of torment, 6 days of bliss. Undone the former by the latters weight. Then weightless as I sink slowly. but warmer as I near my fate.
Quick to anticipate, I fall straight. Laid down Amidst mid air, I feel my fall is fair. For its not unlike flight, I just might not be mistaken. Cause I can’t even remember If a last breath was taken.
Breathless like the panic attacks- the anxiety medication. Chemically imbalanced, I was just another nothing patient. Waiting on a waiting list, unease and anticipation. For a numb tongue, a black lung and an empty room for pacing.
I haven’t tasted my taste buds in two months, But once they tasted bliss. It’s a wasted, missed misery a deep and dark abyss. But my tongue still twists truth like a noose for a neck. Lie to the young in a suit- so they show the man some respect.
Just A little idea I've started to write- Going to be in Four parts splitting between the two characters