There is a monk on the sofa Celibate, thoughtful and sad Thinking of his past life Before he became a dad Plumping up a feather pillow Setting a beeping clock In some old worn boxershorts A toe poking out of a sock His love upstairs grinding her teeth She does every single night He resigned himself to eternal sofa(ing) It is just not worth the fight The mundane months skulk on by Each mimics dull October How life was different four years ago When he / they had been less sober The only grinding done back then Was her pelvis against his How proudly she embraced nakedness Back when life had fizz He removes his holey socks and prays To an imaginary goddess That his wife can learn to love again With or without her dress His prayer remains unanswered tonight He understands that he must wait For she must learn to love herself again Before she can change their fate.