One is seemingly more impressed by the less endowed or blessed when somewhat incapacitated and borderline inebriated; the monstrous unconscious disregards the likelihood of fathomless undergarments in other dubious departments.
Disregard the random blotches or the involuntary discharges instead revel in model tonsils and almond shaped parcels the comets of multi-notches like a strange attraction for disheveled carpets.
The blossoms of toxins a libation ensemble almost near horizontal each movement a bent nozzle like a prehistoric Narwhal dancing like a jackhammer with the elegance of a cement mixer a broken leaking fissure seeping vapid glamour and indecipherable grammar.
Ultimately this can only lead to the face-plant moment-of-tomorrow the flooded memory of the-night-before feeling utterly spent hungover and hollow with ill conceived consent.
The: Oh. My. God! The: He/She is still here, what do I say? Hoping inexorably they would just get up and silently fade away.
Beer Goggles: remember to drink sensibly, or run the risk of nasty STD's or unwanted pregnancy or breathless infidelity or reckless insincerity or if you're really lucky, just another session in therapy.