the same echo that resonates in my fourth story bedroom resonates in my soundless soul and in the ashtray that sits on my window sill it shouts memories back at me from when we sat there too dependent to care before we turned cold and the marrow in our bones began to blacken before we lost each other; to the ache of life itself i shouldn’t have introduced you to cigarettes, i shouldn’t have introduced you to depression or illness or satan himself you claimed you had been there, you're different now i’ve stained you with what i’ve been trying to run away from now you're running away from me too scared of pain and the void in your gut, i see you in everyone i see you in myself and i see myself in you and i know that’s a cliché-- but it frightens me and settles me all at the same time, something i don’t want to feel, you were my home, i don’t have one anymore i live on the streets looking for some sort of temporary house to reside in the homeless nights are the worst. i used to vent my emotions to you without using a filter, my thoughts, my routines, me... i closed the vent now and pour the feelings into bottles labeled ‘don’t drink,’ i store them in dark, dusty corners of myself, labeled 'don't enter,' near ribcages and organs and sometimes i hope that one day, when you somewhat heal, and your therapist tells you you’ve done well, you’ll get drunk off of me all over again… but don’t. don’t poison yourself, you’re too good of a human for that and maybe i’ve always been empty but you filled my void, and i wont pretend that anyone else can. somedays i wish you craved the toxic drink that i am.