Hold it! whole *** whale fitting room bowing walls expanding spandex seams stretched out of shape lurid – disturbed images play across the screen biggest loser season MCMXVII American dream with heavy cream and spleenwiches cleaning the crumbs, bums long for an extra morsel gnawing on dorsal fins grinning, toothless, at least they have their figures that figures says the emaciated diet queen leave it to the homeless to be the only group worthy of the runway – starvation date only the grumbling cuts the uncomfortable silence empty bellies howl for nourishment instead are fed meds and red licorice which is immediately vomited for fear of caloric inconsistency – breathing adds blubber to thighs and midriffs marital spiff over the last cookie sugar substitutes substituting themselves for love and compassion lashing out at the one above fat girls with teary eyes cry for just five more pounds the dress fit in 1978 –