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Jul 2014
the day that you left is the day that i stopped crying
there's no reason for me to cry anymore
i begged you to stay but you said nothing
you packed your things and walked out the door

it has been two weeks since you walked away from me
two weeks of trying to distract myself
but every night, you still haunt me in my dreams
oh God, please send me some help

one night, i couldn't stand it anymore
all i want is to hear your voice
i tried calling but you wouldn't answer
i just want to hear it straight from you that it's all over

i knocked on your door with a shaky hand
you opened it with a smile but it quickly faded once you saw me
i hope you didn't notice the way i poorly stand
but you cursed me, called me names and said that you didn't love me

i left your place with tears rolling down my face
i didn't notice that i was driving too fast
my eyes are getting blurry, so i wiped the tears away
and the last thing i heard was a loud crash
Written by
christine  24/Bigender/mnl
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