I took off my shoes and left the house. I stood under the stars, under a thousand planets And a million other galaxies. I stayed silent as a billion glitter specks fell upon me. They say it's just my heartΒ Β that needs to breathe.
I left my shoes in the middle of street and traded my tears for a beer. I stared at a ceiling that was covered in plastic stars and cob webs. Teary eyed by every moment that had just became my past I turned to rest my head. To my surprise I found my heart beside my bed.
I put on my shoes and packed my final bags. I wrapped up my memories and stumbled upon a few regrets. I threw out old fights and found that song you wrote once with a lovers breath. I took the empty beer can to the trash. I grabbed my hystrical and useless heart And I drove off into the sunset Like a nightmare that you can't forget.