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Jun 2014
When I was a volunteer fire fighter I found out that when a human being is trapped inside of a house drowning in fire, often they do not burn to death it is the smoke that kills them. My biggest fear is being burned to death.

So what's it like to inhale so much smoke that you quickly become it. You drift through the broken air full of charcoal grays attempting to find anyway out. A floating wish of a better tomorrow.

A window, a vent, a mouth. How much longer must we test the the water slide of convincing cancer. Smoke can lure you in oh too easily. Inviting you. Reaching for you. Holding you.

Boy there are so many thing I would rather be held by. Like koalas. Loosen your grip and follow me away from this place. You deserve better than an empty promise. I know dad conditioned you to eat them up.

But this is a broken promise. One that is going to break a family of two when you break a family of two you end with one. I know you want to feel like mom did, but she should be endured that pain and taught us how hearts can break when perfection is drifted away.

My friend, step off your pedestal. Mercy won't stay with you forever. And you know for a **** fact we don't have forever.
Open the window and flee. Drop your cigarette and grab my shoulder, we're in this together.

So when I realized you are in a house fire. I understand you are not going to die from the fire alone. I get that you will smoke yourself out before I get the chance to save you.

We are fire fighters. Mom taught us, so put our your fire.
My mother died from smoking and now my brother won't stop smoking because of her passing.
Written by
JWolfeB  27/M/Cairo, Egypt
(27/M/Cairo, Egypt)   
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