they trained me to move elegantly before i could even move so i'm resorting to being a ******* misfit (maybe if i try hard enough their work will reverse) my teenage hipbones are a geometry problem acute angles jutting from beneath my shirt my jeans have always hung too low and i'm too poor to buy a good belt. you tell me, softness in your eyes, softness in your fingertips, that you love how they sit on my hips. i was born on a full moon, howling before i had learned how to speak your humanity matches my humility my futility you were born with the stars in your eyes and when you touched my shoulder i felt them a thousand and one galaxies ******* in you my first word was hatred and yours was adoration and maybe that's why i can't help but wish on you. that which a man does not have attracts him;; i wonder what attracted you to me