T Rex thought he was the king but truly he was no such thing he was a bully sad and weak who prayed on those to young to speak Then came the day when baby Trice got to close to Rexies lair Rexie thoughg his luck had changed and now would play the Rexie game Which was to take the young and weak so soft and tender, good to eat Rex thought I will have some of that the baby trice will be quite a snack and fill a corner of my tum But Rex had made a big mistake, oh dear a grave mistake For round the corner came trice's mum weighing a bit more than about three tonnes Three big horns upon her head One jab from those could leave Rex dead She gave poor Rex an evil stare said "Bite young Trice if you dare" Then I will deal you a mighty thump and I promise you your bone will crunch Poor Rexie backed away in fear and in his eyes salty tears People thought for many years that Rex was king and had no fear But they didn't know Triceratops,Β Β the bravest dinosaur of the lot