You do this to me every time the winks your hand brushing my waist
You know I can't the time for us has left us we need to find normalcy between our feelings
I'm not gonna lie sometimes I want to and you break my heart a little bit every time you say those words to me
I've stopped counting the chances I've given you and you squandered them all now there are none left to give now I am with another now I am trying to live in my present but not forget our past now is when you choose to act
and yet, are you really? drunken whispers in my ear the secret I love yous before you return home to your girlfriend whom (as you've reminded me) you don't love
I love my boyfriend and while I will always have hidden feelings for you I could never trust my heart to you like I do with him he is warm, comforting, and safe you are drama encompassed
You need to let me go because I can't keep doing this you keep cracking my heart please see that you have exhausted me please just let me be happy I will not cheat on him with you I will not leave him for you I just want things to be normal again But I don't think you'll allow them to be