Seek not to be the best because thy technique is kept secret. Rather, seek to be the best by applying it howsoever is seen fit.
Seek but thy own technique. It shall be the best for thee.
Yes, that means being self-aware and creative. Yes, that means teaching thyself at each and every opportunity. Yes, temporary failure is inevitable, but welcome such opportunities: they are only what are made of them.
For: with perseverance, what abundance may be found forewent by others.
One who finds One's self transcends much inner struggle, and is free to be.
Learn, copy, study, do whatsoever it takes; just, please, say ye will walk away from everything with anything, rather than as something.
Read between the lines.
Seek to do so all the time, because I think that One shall find elusory, seductive peace of mind awaits us all so patiently there.
Fear not to dream on: be thyself, wheresoever it may take thee.