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May 2014
Overrated is the word that comes to the fore
To tell of that woman's particular store
The products she vends aren't all that fab
Most of them have a dull look which is so drab

She may need to take stock of her inventory
Then thoroughly evaluate its retail credibility
The purchasers are wising up to her trade
They've become disenchanted with her escapade

To-day her shop soiled item went on sale
Few customers bought what was in her bail
Her sales pitch fell upon deaf ears
All that she offered for sale meet with load jeers

Store owners such as her have no excuse
For attempting to sell the dregs and refuse
The customer never outlays a dollar for trash
They prefer value for their hard one cash

The numbers of keen buyers aren't of a glut
Soon her second rate business shall be shut
Retail vending must be up to customer satisfaction
If not store owners can be put out of action
Elizabeth Squires
Written by
Elizabeth Squires
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