My eyes a shimmering pool of hate as I look as you, the blue waves like a storm in a tea cup as they splash against the white of my eyes.
Red on white like lava angrily scorching at the white of my eyes, showing the feeling boiling with in.
I was just innocently walking, you took my safety away when you shoved that knife in to me, all that pain to feed a habit of destruction, and my only sin was to walk where your next fix was, my only sin.
I see you behind a mirror, with a toothless grin, number 5 I point, I could never forget you burnt in to retinas I see you every time its dark but I will not be weak I will fight the darkness the fear you installed with in.
I am a survivor of violence, my only crime was to be your next victim, but the tables have turned, and your life in a cell, freedom taken like you tried to do to me