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May 2014
Silence covered the wide horizon
drowning the sounds of world’s movement
Child screams all of a sudden
frightened by the raging lament

An open door burst yellow light
but it won’t lead to the heavens
The wood keeps the truth from his sight
yet reveals all invitations

His eyes so bright though so poignant
shows how much he’d love to go back
to hold his mother left behind
and uncover the casket that’s locked

His hands so small and fragile
would do anything to touch her
to feel her warmth, see her smile
and to be with her forever

He found the courage to stand
and lift his body from his cot
then there she is waving her hand
diminished all fears from his thoughts
Written by
sassy  in_between
     sassy, Maria, ---, ---, marjorie and 3 others
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