It was a glorious night for a moonlit flight On Barry my Big Berkshire Boar Huffing and puffing like flying was nothing Over the treetops we’d soar
Well I never knew, that other pigs flew As Darren came circling down Sat proud on top his Gloucester Old Spot Wow! What a wonderful sow
I’m sure I can claim that Darren was the same As his jaw nearly dropped to the ground For Darren and I, had pigs that could fly And you don’t really see that around
“Hey your pig flies!” Darren wailed with surprise “And we only just met for a drink” “I didn't know you, had a flying pig too Just what would the other guys think!?”
So we soon made a pact, with our secret intact Everything worked out just fine Now we’re both out at night, when the weather is right Racing our rare flying swine!
If anyone has their own flying pig please send me a message as Darren and I are worried about interbreeding. :-)