We said we would meet at heaven’s gate It is not our time so we will have to wait. We had made an earthly vow that we would Meet at heavens pearly gates No matter how much time it would take. The sounds of heavenly trumpets will blare And family and friends will all be there. They will greet us as newlyweds and we Will lie in a heavenly bed of petals from the red rose And that sweet scent tickling our nose. We will be in our own cottage with a white picket fence And a golden walkway to the front door Where we will share our lives forever more. The birds will be chirping and the red Robbins will sing Letting us know that we have everything. In heaven, there is no such earthly things as wealth Politics or discrimination, because we are all A part of god’s nation. There is only one language And it is the language of love, shared By everyone who comes above.