We are like two guitar picks They are all so unique Different shapes Different sizes Different textures Different smells Different feels Different beings But we We are identical Just like each other And we play music that is so different No one gets it No one figures it why But so it is And only we can get what flows out of it Strumming along in dischord And harmony too You’re just like me And I am just like you But we have our own guitars And that is where our melody flows The music all so complete All so perfect That it makes you just not believe Coz things cannot be perfect For nothing ever is complete For beauty lies in incompleteness And imperfection And we with our guitars Are just so ****** perfect That it bleeds me to see us that way If only guitar picks like us Were left alone with each other And never touched or disturbed We wouldn’t get around to do anything For the two of us Are of the same kind We can’t get music out of us Or each other Coz we are no guitars And we won’t have them Or anything else But just each other Two guitar picks With the same lives Touch Smell Shape and design The only two unique That no one else can match That no one else can get And there we lie together in the corner No one to ruffle us Just left to ourselves And we lie there By our sides And we can’t play no music And we can’t strum a song Coz we are two guitar picks Without nothing else Without no guitars But only ourselves Which is just so ****** incomplete And so imperfect So mighty beautiful..