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May 2014
I should hate you
I should want to burn every single picture of us
into flames and laugh about it
I should be able to listen to a love song
and not think of you
but I can't

I should be able to be with another boy
and kiss him and hold his hand
and not think of you anymore
and how we used to hold hands
without either of us realizing it
and it just happening

but the truth is
I can't hate you
because no matter what I do or where I go
or what I listen to
you're the one that has my heart
and even though you broke it
I still love you with all the pieces
I can't stop writing poems about you even though I know you won't see them
Melody Millett
Written by
Melody Millett
     ---, ---, Phoebe, Briana4545, Hanna Jordan and 12 others
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