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May 2014

Disintegrating dreams

I find I can no longer stand
as this ground about me shakes with might
Thunderous hooves of imaginary wild horses,
panting in heavy breaths, kicking dust before soiled eyes,
claiming to take down fences
of wire and stick, laying waste in sun dried foot prints
creating a mosaic of dream-like designs,
spiraling uncontrolled as the artist fades like fall colors
still trapping hopeless romantic thoughts,
locked within reach and just out of sight

Challenging the earth to steady the plates
suspended above me on thin shafts of deep desire,
spinning like clocks in an opposite direction
telling time it has no place here

Finding that truth is the enemy, I pull the drapes knowing
doorways will caress thresholds that keep out the draft yet allow the sunlight
to mimic the scattered shade cooling the needs
beneath a paper fortresses…and my heart sighs

For this is life, in its starkest reality,
and what was pictured in youth lingers in the minds of the old
Pasting cobwebs for effect and smiles not as genuine as they may seem
For the days pass and with them opportunities fly like a crying dove
as morning light counts another moment from this existence
Why does it seem that endless possibilities end, forever wishes
drown at the bottom of the well amidst even older pennies,
Patina claims the skin in the name of a love
found but not shared, carried upon shoulders,
as nothing else is left but to wait

and my dreams no longer wait for me
Written by
Jack  San Antonio Texas
(San Antonio Texas)   
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