You, young man, have scarred me Everywhere I go I wear this scar you gave me Not physically but mentally you hurt me And I hate it
I will never forget what you did to me that day You showed me things I need not know And told me things I need not hear they’ll never leave my eye, my ear
You don’t know how those things changed me Or how I go everywhere fearing it will happen again And even though I love you, you scare me All guys scare me
Not only does it hurt But nay can I share it I never share it, because I'm afraid to And even if I did it wouldn’t help
I wish you never did it I hope you still don’t do it Not only does it hurt me but you as well You hurt yourself
So I hope you see all you did to me And all you put upon me; And you may ask what you did to me The way you touched me, you scarred me