i am blunted i am f l a t (but not about all things) in fact, i find myself quite hilarious when i speak of sword-fighting people to the death you cannot feel blunted about something and simultaneously have a desire for fantastical violence someday, someone will understand my flair for dramatic words my disorganized thinking that can only be worked out with rambling story-telling someday, someone will understand my utter despair and hopelessness the massive curiosity about the universe that plagues my sense of being in the meantime, i build mind walls when thoughts stray in a regrettable direction i add bricks to the mind wall surrounding the phantom heartbreaker soul-crusher betrayer liar hypocrite you know, the usual cast of characters (growing at an alarming rate) i visualize each mind wall each phantom each misdeed and i visualize bricks getting stacked up hiding the phantom blocking all thoughts and feelings blocking all memories rendering me flat. rendering me blunted. but sometimes mind walls erode slowly or explode suddenly and then i say crazy things like for instance, i may challenge someone to a duel. or declare my undying love. or my most blatant disgust. after word explosions comes wall repair and silent fury.