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Apr 2014
Pieces of eight I got on the high
sea, a tail be told how I got thee.

First was the coin I got off me
mum, as she said have fun my
bearded son. Dont spent it all
on one eye patch or sweets, spend
it wisely my son be the pirate you
wish to be.

So time went on and I kept my coin
I bet it on a chicken race, and won my
second piece, look in my palm its
gold its plain to see.

So I took  a walk on the beach and
in the sand another I did see, my
luck was in. I chewed on it and it
was as real  as could be, this day
I know does have three.

Four and five I won in a bet, but I
have a peg leg where there once
was a foot. Now I  have a wooden
peg but Arrr i won the bet more
gold I see.

Six and seven were as hard as could
be, a dare with a shark, well feed was
he. A hook is all the rage they say.
Mine has a can opener and wi-fi
ya see, I hope that shark gets a grip
inside that hursts it tummy each and every day.

Number eight was what I got for
going to sea, to be the captain of
the pirate vessel king of the seaI.
I roam around the waters me and
my first mate, my monkey horrible pete.

Pirate king I wasnt meant to be, as
this rowboat king of the seal, is hard
to row with one hand and a peg from
the knee. My first mate is a monkey
who works for yellow skins, but he
cant row a boat, short arms has he.

So around and around I go three
foot from the peer, at least I,m  now
in the sea. But my pieces of eight is
all the treasure l will ever see. Me
and my boat and monkey horrible
Pete enjoying our life on the open high sea.
Wrote this for my little ones, hope to get this as a book of three tales..
Poetic T
Written by
Poetic T  On Oblivions Doorstep
(On Oblivions Doorstep)   
     chimaera, Poetic T, Hayleigh and ---
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