Life's what we think of it... Life's what we make it. Life is indeed a mirror, A mirror reflecting us... Reflecting our thoughts and our visions, Our dreams and aspirations. Those small desires... And those beautiful laughters, Those weird imaginations And those amazing destinations... They are all a part of us... All those people who create magic in our lives... And all those who help us revive.... They are indeed what makes us and our life. Those moments of joy and laughter are more valuable than we can think of. Those human bonds are immortal and above all... There are moments as well Of pain and struggle, Of injustice and betrayal... But without them, there is no us. Those moments are the reason for a balance, An indirect reason for our happiness... Enhancing the taste of a joyous moment And helping us learn our lessons. They give us a share of our sadness And make us realise the value of real happiness... Such is our life... A coin with many sides... Creating a rhythm so beautiful, And striking a beat with the great soul...