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Apr 2014
Perhaps the doors to our dreams
space   time   rambling mind
hang on cosmic hinges
restless hinges    aching hinges
in need of   hemp   *****   or fine wine

Unmoved by being in my dream
she walked barefoot over my breath
speaking languages
from a trillion universes
unknown to me

I heard her   I called to her
I listened   and her voice
spoke to me   one word
slowly   one word at a time

Her face near my memory
her kisses   her body   our whisperings
I held my hands out   they disappeared
a lonely finger remained   pointing

Perhaps the portals to our dreams
are hungry mouths stuck open
endlessly whimpering to be nurtured

I watched her laughing and crying
at the threshold of my tenderness   crying
slippery tears   severe tears   unreal tears
tears like smoke rings   tears like crystals
tears like rain the roses love

Gently   she lifted a red rose
to my mouth
it lived in ecstasy  
on my tongue

O Love   love   love
daylight is near
and dreams will fade
like one moist blossom after another

From my third book: 'If You Have One Moment'
(Stillpoint Books, 2015)

©dah / Stillpoint Books 2015
all rights reserved
Written by
Dah  Berkeley, California
(Berkeley, California)   
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