Then took her by complete surprise; Bursting forth into hysterics I gazed into her glazed, mesmeric eyes
My intention descending like nightmarish haze; Said **** that merit badge Grandma ***** let the cat out the bag I wanna play
She's fixin for a lickin And I'm dying to get a taste
That ***** glistening so listen Preheat the oven don't need no glove I've got an addiction finna bore in frictionless!
Instantly smitten, Her face turned shades of crimson when I finished with "Lets play genital hide & seek - You're it" It's time to remit demented dementia baby I'm not so easy to forget; & I'm shots of splotchy red like syphilis
Don't front like you won't give me the nookie Girl urrbody had a crack at your world famous cookies & I just can't keep my hand out the jar
Tonight I'll wrestle a cougar with my bare hands
I pity the fool who'd refuse To dust off that honeypot & Dive in head first Like Winnie the Pooh